Guysborough (Harbour) Lighthouse
Guysborough (Harbour) Lighthouse Locator Map

- Location: Near Peart Point, west side of harbour entrance
- Standing: This light is no longer standing.
- Operating: This light is no longer operating.
- Began: 1846
- Year Lit: 1846
- Structure Type: Lantern from square building, white
- Light Characteristic: Fixed White (1883)
- Tower Height: 020ft feet high.
- Light Height: 030ft feet above water level.
History Items for This Lighthouse
- 1883 - 2 catatropic lens
- 1905 - replaced by second tower
- Light Type: Sector Light
- Location: On Peart Point, west side of harbour entrance
- Standing: This light is no longer standing.
- Operating: This light is no longer operating.
- Date Automated: Automated by 1961
- Began: 1905
- Year Lit: 1905
- Structure Type: Square wood building, white, red roof
- Light Characteristic: Fixed White (1941)
- Tower Height: 035ft feet high.
- Light Height: 038ft feet above water level.
History Items for This Lighthouse
- 1905 - replaced original tower of 1846 - 1906 - hand fog horn established
- 1922 - 1941 - 5th order dioptric lens, hand fog horn
- 1941 - 1955 - red sector, fog signal - 1973 - automated by this date
- 1982 - replaced by fibreglass tower
- Light Type: Sector Light
- Location: On Peart Point, west side of harbour entrance
- Standing: This light is no longer standing.
- Operating: This light is no longer operating.
- Date Automated: Automated by 1982
- Began: 1982
- Year Lit: 1982
- Structure Type: Round fiberglass tower, 2 red bands, no lantern
Lightkeepers for Guysborough (Harbour) Lighthouse
Peart, Godfrey S. XXXX1857XX